
ETF Documents

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  • Fund Resources

Name Ticker Prospectus Summary Prospectus Factsheet
Global Emerging Markets The emerging market strategy seeks to provide investors with a core, quality-growth portfolio using a fundamental investment approach that typically looks for companies that have higher growth metrics, as well as higher quality metrics, than the broader market.
Matthews Emerging Markets Equity Active ETF MEM
Matthews Emerging Markets ex China Active ETF MEMX
Matthews Emerging Markets Sustainable Future Active ETF EMSF
Matthews Emerging Markets Discovery Active ETF MEMS
Asia Growth and Income Growth and income strategies utilize a hybrid investment approach. They generally seek both long-term growth and some income.
Matthews Asia Dividend Active ETF ADVE
Asia Growth Growth strategies generally invest for long-term growth. These strategies are differentiated by the geographic areas in which they invest
Matthews Asia Innovators Active ETF MINV
Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF ASIA
Matthews China Active ETF MCH
Matthews China Discovery Active ETF MCHS
Matthews India Active ETF INDE
Matthews Japan Active ETF JPAN
Matthews Korea Active ETF MKOR

ETFs may trade at a premium or discount to NAV. Shares of any ETF are bought and sold at market prices (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns.