Sean Taylor
Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager

Sean Taylor is Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager at Matthews. As Chief Investment Officer, Sean oversees the firm’s investment process and investment professionals and sets the research agenda for the investment team. He manages the firm’s Emerging Markets Equity, Pacific Tiger, Asia Dividend and Asia ex Japan Total Return Equity Strategies and co-manages the firm’s Emerging Markets ex China Strategy. Prior to joining Matthews in October 2023, he was Chief Investment Officer APAC, Global Head of Emerging Markets Equity at DWS Group based in Hong Kong since he joined the company in 2013. From 2004 to 2011, he was an Investment Director at GAM, based in London and Dubai. From 1997 to 2004, he was at Societe Generale as Head of International and Emerging Markets. Sean has 30 years of experience, including more than a decade as CIO. He oversaw a number of emerging markets active strategies, including Latin America, India, China, Brazil, Russia as well as international and global strategies. He received his MBA from Manchester Business School and is a graduate of the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.
Sean has been a Portfolio Manager of the Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund, Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF, Matthews Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Matthews Emerging Markets Equity Active ETF and Matthews Emerging Markets ex China Active ETF since 2023, and of the Matthews Asia Dividend Fund, Matthews Asia Dividend Active ETF and Matthews Asian Growth and Income Fund since 2025.
Lead Manager: Matthews Emerging Markets Equity Fund, Matthews Emerging Markets Equity Active ETF, Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund, Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF, Matthews Asia Dividend Fund, Matthew Asia Dividend ETF
Co-Manager: Matthews Emerging Markets ex China Active ETF