As an active manager focused on Emerging Markets, we believe taking a responsible approach contributes to developing a deeper understanding of both risks and opportunities.
As part of our responsible investment approach we include non-financial factors and company engagement into our active research process which we believe can help us uncover any issues that could have a material financial impact on a company’s value.
Responsible Investment and Stewardship
Matthews Head of Responsible Investment and Stewardship Kathlyn Collins shares the importance of integrating non-financial information into the firm’s active research process.
Trust, transparency and accountability from companies and entities is important in all markets in which we invest, and especially so in Emerging Markets.
Engagement and Stewardship
We are cognizant of our responsibility to meet and engage with corporate management to share our views on how we think they can improve corporate governance.
2023 Stewardship Report
In our latest Stewardship Report, we recap a year of voting and engagement with the companies in the Matthews portfolios and take a look under the hood with some in-depth thematic case studies.
Visit our Stewardship Report Archive to view all reports prior to the current year.
While fundamental analysis is important in Emerging Markets, it’s also important to think about other corporate governance and sustainability factors with an emerging markets filter.
An Active Approach to Research
Head of Responsible Investment and Stewardship Kathlyn Collins, CAIA, explains the value of proprietary research and the limits of third-party scoring when analyzing sustainability factors in emerging markets.
The Power of Sustainable Research
Our in-depth knowledge of local markets and engagement with companies help us to evaluate and prioritize sustainability and corporate governance-related risks according to their potential impact on portfolios.
We take an active role in key organizations that advance and protect the interests of our clients.

Emerging Markets Sustainable Future Fund
The Fund invests in growth companies that seek to contribute to a sustainable future.
40-70 stocks
All-cap, Growth, Sustainable Investment
The Fund's consideration of ESG factors in making its investment decisions materially impact the investment performance of the Fund. These and other risks associated with investing in the Fund can be found in the Prospectus.